
Will Kim

👋 Hi! Thanks for visiting!

Thanks for visiting my page. If you're here to check out some code samples, you can go here! I put up a simple little web app, and also have links to some other work I've done in the past. (Also this site is responsive! Try me on mobile!)
As for me, I am:
A fullstack engineer with over 5 years experience
  • I've used TypeScript, React and Express for most of that time
  • I've also used Python with Flask/Django
  • I have a bachelor's in computer science (and I know how to use it!)
  • I've worked in consulting and startup environments my whole career, which means I've had to do a LOT of different things
  • I've setup CI/CD pipelines, including managing automated releases/deployments
  • Written extensive backend tests that required a lot of atypical mocks
  • Setup monitoring tools like Sentry
  • Setup and worked with memory caches like Redis
  • Worked with cloud computing services like Azure and AWS
  • It just wasn't for me, but I learned a lot!
  • Blockchains are slow, cumbersome and inefficient so I’ve become very good at working around those limitations
  • I’ve also become very good at debugging, since the ecosystem is so new. One time I found an out of memory bug in our code because we were packing bits in our structs inefficiently. Glad I remembered that from my CS classes!
  • I’ve created training materials and ran monthly dev chapter meetings at previous jobs to share knowledge
  • I created a shared documentation repo to help onboard new developers and make sure everyone’s on the same page
  • I really enjoy both being mentored and mentoring others
  • Some day I'd like to teach computer science in some way
  • I’ve played guitar since high school
  • I've also been break dancing for nearly a decade
  • I am grappling with the fact that a decade is becoming a smaller percentage of my life as I age
  • I also started playing volleyball recently!
  • I would be a great addition to any company volleyball team, or rock band (or some combination of the two)